Finance Monthly - Taxation Awards 2024

Finance Monthly Taxation Awards 2024. GERMANY 35 JOSEF FEHN ABOUT DR. DR. BERND JOSEF FEHN Attorney-at-Law and Tax Consultant Dr. Dr. Bernd Josef Fehn is a government director out of office and specializes in tax and white collar criminal law, as well as in medical criminal law. He was admitted to the bar for the first time in 2016 having left the civil service in 2015 after 27 years. Previously, he had been a member of the Federal Customs Administration, where he had worked specifically in Customs Investigations and the Financial Control Office for Illegal Employment. Today, his former experience as a fiscal judge at the Baden-Wurttemberg Fiscal Court benefits him additionally in criminal tax defense. Among other things, he is the editor and author of legal commentaries on the Customs Investigation Service Act and the Act to Combat Clandestine Employment, on a Customs Investigation Manual and a Guide to Financial Control of Clandestine Employment, author on foreign trade and war weapons control law, as well as criminal labor law. As a lecturer and associate member of the Institute for Police and Criminal Sciences at the North Rhine-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration, he maintains close contact with training and science. Dr. Dr. Bernd Josef Fehn is a Defense Lawyer for Criminal Tax Law and for White Collar Criminal Law, certified by the German Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (DSV e.V.), Tax Compliance Officer (C.H.BECK), Ambulatory Healthcare Consultant (CCI), holder of two PHDs (Cologne and Witten/Herdecke) and of the Quality Seal Q of the German Federal Bar Association and, moreover, Fellow of Tax & Legal Excellence (F.TLE). Exclusively, auditors, tax consultants and commercial lawyers from the top 500 law firms as well as interprofessionally oriented tax firms belong to this international network circle. In addition, that forum of excellence includes experts in the field of tax and commercial law from academia, business, judiciary, and administration. Membership of Tax & Legal Excellence is by recommendation only. Prerequisites are outstanding professional achievements, a willingness to share best practice experience and personal integrity. The fulfillment of the admission criteria for the membership of representatives from the private sector and the consulting community is strictly monitored by a review board. Fellowship can only be awarded to deserving members of several years standing. FIRM PROFILE As managing partner of FEHN Legal PartG mbB, Dr. Dr. Bernd Josef Fehn heads a team of seven lawyers and a student assistant together with his brother and the firm’s founder. They have deliberately chosen to be highly specialized and focus on tax criminal, medical criminal, and white collar criminal law, compliance in the fields of tax and healthcare (including internal investigations), digital health, medical law and tax law for the health professions. In health law issues, they work exclusively on the side of medical service providers. In legal issues needing to be clarified outside their portfolio or out of the German legal system, the firm has an excellent networking system containing domestic lawyers, tax advisors, auditors, management consultants and business investigators, as well as international law firms, particularly in the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Currently, FEHN Legal and in particular the laureate are heavily involved in cum/ ex criminal proceedings. Cum/Ex is being castigated in the German media as the biggest tax fraud since the Federal Republic of Germany was founded. Prejudice in the public debate is commonplace. The law firm is fighting this with all its strength. However, Dr. Dr. Bernd Josef Fehn devotes equal attention, concentration and commitment to his defense work in minor tax and customs offenses. CONTACT Dr. Dr. Bernd Josef Fehn Email:

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