Finance Monthly - Taxation Awards 2024

USA 12 Finance Monthly Taxation Awards 2024. delays of collection, the IRS does have the right to invoke a bypass, so beware that the representative hired is a reputable one. There is also the Right to pay your fair share of tax. This means that the IRS cannot arbitrarily make assessments. There must be proper substantiation for the assessment, thus the previous advice to not pay these arbitrary notices of “proposed” tax due. Next the Taxpayer has the right to finality. This means the IRS cannot drag their feet on and on, they must have an end goal in mind as well. If the “right” representative is hired, they will know the taxpayers rights and hold the IRS responsible to achieve the proper resolution. Finally, it’s not advised to go to court without proper representation; therefore “Why would you want to go up against the “World’s largest collection agency” without proper representation?” What advice would you give to individuals or businesses currently facing significant tax debt, especially regarding the stress and uncertainty of dealing with the IRS? I have trademarked the tagline “Frontline Defender for the Distressed Taxpayer”�. I take this tagline very seriously. My job is to defend taxpayers from the sometimes unfair practices of the IRS. My job has many facets, among them are: to defend the taxpayer at all times, to know when the IRS is “phishing”, to know when they delaying collections, to hold them accountable when necessary, and press them to finality. Most taxpayers are reactive to the IRS and succumb to the scare tactics, unknowing of the tools provided to bring the proper defense. Our job is to be a “Wall of China” between the IRS and taxpayers, so they can rest peacefully knowing we are on guard. Knowing also that we are here to defend and protect so their tax account reaches a zero balance and their life is restored to sanity. There is no such thing as a perfect case but there is always a path to resolution. Photography: Kevin Lofgren Photography: Kevin Lofgren

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